Tuesday, February 15, 2011

McLuhan Final Post

My photoshop project is based on the social medium, Twitter.  I wanted to represent the unlimited possibilities by combining a wide-open sky and Twitter Birds flying free, without limitations.  The Twitter Birds are flying towards the larger bird that is holding a sign that says "Follow Me."  The idea of following is one of the fundamental differences between Twitter and other social mediums.  Twitter gives you the ability to follow anyone that you desire, from friends to celebrities.  My image is a metaphor for this concept as the smaller birds are following the main bird.  These birds symbolize the ideology of Twitter as users follow people to receive status and life updates.  The silhouettes at the bottom show people joined hand-in-hand in unison across the world.  Twitter gives its users the opportunity to connect with people from all corners of the world.  The overall themes of my project portray the freedom and possibilities that Twitter offers along with the ability to connect all over the globe, representing unity.

My image communicates McLuhan's ideal that the "Medium is the Message" because it represents all the ways that Twitter is used to join people together.  McLuhan's idea was that a medium is only as important as people make it; the users hold the key to the prominence of any medium.  McLuhan also discussed the idea of content vs. message.  The content of Twitter is made of up text (language, html, ect) along with pictures that make up statuses.  Twitter's message takes these statuses and uses them to connect people across the globe.  They might just be brief life updates but they represent our ability to communicate globally.

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