Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Catfish is a documentary that reveals the shocking reality of web 2.0 and social networking.  Yaniv Schulman has to learn this harsh reality the hard way as he builds a romantic relationship with a girl named Megan that he believes to be his age.  Yaniv does not question any of the stories or details about Megan because he does not suspect to be deceived or perhaps he was just naive about the reality of web 2.0.  Facebook is a medium that can easily be exploited and allows people to hide behind pictures that can grant anonymity.  In this case Yaniv falls for a girl that turns out to be a 40-year-old woman that has created a false identity to hide from her own reality.  Yaniv finds the truth out the hard way when he shows up at Megan’s house for a surprise visit and she turns out to be the 40-year-old Angela that made up multiple identities in her effort to escape her own disappointing life. 
Instead of returning the cruelty, Yaniv realizes that he wasn’t a part of a scam as much as he was part of a getaway for Angela.  Yaniv sees a woman struggling to find happiness in a family with handicapped children and a dead end art career.  However, in the end, he finds out that Angela was lying about several other factors such as having cancer and that in my eyes is the most unacceptable lie.  Social mediums such as Facebook leave themselves vulnerable to secret lives and identities but to make up a real life lie about a sickness that kills millions of people is more disturbing than the rest.  Several critics suggest that this movie is fabricated and that it was filmed solely with the intention of educating the public on the dangers of social media and using them to build relationships. 
We have learned in class both through lecture, readings and video that social media and web 2.0 are the present and future of communication.  The advances that we have made have opened up the possibilities of establishing and rekindling friendships but have also opened up the potential for deception.  Democratized media means that the public is in control of content.  This concept takes center stage in Catfish, as there is no fact checking that exists that forces Angela to prove her identity.  A system like this leaves people susceptible to lying, deceit and on a grander scale, harm and theft.   As we saw in Digital Nation and Exit Through the Gift Shop, web 2.0 is the cause of much controversy that can have both positive and negative effects.  In Catfish we are witness to the negative repercussions and how the system can be exploited.  However, in the other documentaries that we watched we see how web 2.0 can bring people together all over the world and help people achieve their goals.  These documentaries help us understand the nature of web 2.0 and educate us on the potential of both sides of the spectrum.   
The progression of the internet has seen rapid development over the past decade with the introduction of web 2.0.  Prior to web 2.0, the internet was characterized by webpages and hyperlinks.  The internet was geared more towards static websites, html and information retrieval.  This phase of the internet featured free hosting services such as geocities that acted as the few ways to interact online.  Email was also a source of interaction that allowed people to connect and conduct business and personal information.  Web 2.0 is based on democratized media, social networking and the participatory web.  The shift of the web occurred due to technological advances and the behavior of internet users.  Web 2.0 includes features such as MySpace, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and many more.  Blogs, Wikis and folksonomies have taken center stage as information sharing has become the way of the present.  User generated content and virtual communities add plenty to the online world but also provide a few dangers, such as we saw in Catfish and with Andre Keen.  These features allow people to connect all over the world for various necessities such as business.  However, it could potentially lead to identity fraud and deception among users.  In Catfish we saw that with this style of communication, innocent people can end up being mislead and misinformed by other people with personal or mental problems and insecurities.  Andrew Keen also pointed out the drawbacks of democratized media with its lack of fact checking and elimination of the middle man. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exit Through The Gift Shop

Exit through the gift shop is a commentary on how we have progressed as a society and how our great strides can impact us as a culture.  Thierry Guetta symbolizes a man who made great strides and followed his ambitions.  Using a camera and a spray can, Thierry and Banksy were able to capture a movement and educate the public about the story behind it.  People are fascinated by graffiti and wonder who, why and how it appeared and this documentary answers those questions.  In many ways this film is about artists not only calling out to society, but in some cases realizing their own calling.  Thierry spent countless hours behind the camera and through his filming, he learned a lot about the graffiti movement and himself as a person.  When his hours of video culminated into an unwatchable film, it sparked the realization that perhaps he was on the wrong side of the camera.  After Banksy watched Thierry’s horrible film and he decided that he would take on responsibility, he told Thierry to go out and become a street artist.  My interpretation of this event is that Banksy was trying to get rid of Thierry and get him out of his hair so that he could work on the film without distraction, but in the end through this he created a monster.  When Banksy sent Thierry out onto the streets to become a street artist, I bet he never imagined that it would end in such an uproar.  Thierry’s exhibition seemed to be met with much dismay from Banksy and Sheppard Fairey because they felt as though he was exploiting the art form that they were so passionate about.  However, through the creation of this film, Banksy was either perhaps trying to present street art gone wrong, but in the end I feel it further promoted Thierry’s career.  By casting Thierry as a protagonist for the majority of the movie, the viewer builds a relationship with his character and despite the negative response from fellow street artists at the end, you can’t help but feel good for him and his success. 
In terms of the conspiracy theories cited in the Fast Company and Entertainment Times Online articles, I feel that this adds a whole different perspective to the film and encourages me to re-watch the film.  I almost buy into their theory that Thierry was a creation of Banksy and Sheppard Fairey because when I think about the image that they chose for Mister Brainwash of Thierry holding the camera pointing out at the street, it could symbolize that every action is being watched by a big brother.  If this turned out to be true, it would be one of the most amazing twists and pranks in film history.  If this is the case then the film portrays an entirely different commentary, one about cleansing and resurrecting street art from a commercialized reputation and restoring its purity.  I would be amazed if Banksy and Fairey were able to pull this off without leaking the true story.  However, part of me would not be surprised because the lives of a street artist are shrouded in mystery and ambiguity.  The plot holes that the Fast Company article points out do make a lot of good arguments in their favor.  Thinking back on the movie myself, I can identify with the article and the points that are made.  I cannot imagine a man sinking all of his time and money into a project of this nature while neglecting and endangering the wellbeing of his family.  It seems sketchy to me that Banksy and Sheppard Fairey, who are all about the integrity of street art, would go on camera to further commercialize the industry if they did not have an ulterior motive.  The movie poster below even suggests mystery and ambiguity.

Compare and Contrast the work of MBW to that of other street artists profiled in the film. How does it stand up?
            In terms of content and originality, the work of Mister Brainwash pales in comparison to that of Bansky, Sheppard Fairey and Space Invader.  Mister Brainwash ripped off a number of famous artists and well-known street artists.  For this, Mister Brainwash could have potentially been sued the same way that Sheppard Fairey was sued for his Obama image (only it would be more justifiable).  His form of art took already popular artwork and photoshopped them to make them his own.  Mister Brainwash lacked originality and in some cases, he was not even responsible for the production of his own work.  The fact that his work sold for such ridiculous prices is in itself ridiculous and provides a sad commentary the fall of real and tasteful art.  I could see myself being able to create work of a similar quality and the thought of it being sold for a million dollars is outrageous  It goes to show that much of the demand for art comes from reputation and not from quality.  In comparison to the work of Banksy, Sheppard Fairey and Space Invador, Mister Brainwash lacked purpose and inspiration.  The highly touted street artists created with a meaningful intent that was meant to provoke thought and teach society.  These artists were focused on the integrity of the art and the message whereas Mister Brainwash was centered on self-promotion. 
            Although there were clearly different intentions among the artists, this is not what made Mister Brainwashes’ art inferior to the others.  The fact that he was creating with an intent to gain publicity and generate revenue does not reflect the quality of his work.  Rather it is the originality and quality itself that proves that Mister Brainwash was not of the same caliber as his peers.  His intentions were not what kept him from becoming a great artist, it was his lack of originality, inspiration perhaps practice that set him apart from the other artists.  The work of Banksy such as the English phone booth was intended to make a statement and cause a commotion, whereas Mister Brainwashes’ work was often uninspired and lacked a clear message.  His art was comparable to Sheppard Fairey and Space Invader in that they eat had a signature design that they were known for.  Mister Brainwash had his camera, Sheppard Fairey with his Andre the Giant sticker and Space Invader with his space invaders.  This was an attempt to generate recognition among the public.  In the end though, although Mister Brainwash profited from his art, it should not be held to the same standard of Banksy, Sheppard Fairey and Space Invader.  The fact that his art sold for so much money is a poor reflection on the art industry or perhaps just an indication that times have changed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vector Image Tracing

Vector Image


On top is the original New York Knicks logo and the bottom is my edited version after tracing and some of my own additions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Andrew Keen Response

1.       How does Keen define Democratized media, and what are his main issues with this trend? use examples from the web in the form of links. Include this idea of "disintermediation". 

Keen describes a democratized media as less cultured, less reliable news and a chaos of useless information.  These main issues affect the way the web functions by replacing business with an abundance of media.  Keen highlights the music industry by discussing how illegal downloading music has weakened record sales.  This is just one example of how the democratized media has left several mainstream businesses in ruins.  Keen sees Web 2.0 as an overwhelming excess of information that has set us back as a society. 

The Morningside Post ( discussed the effects of a democratized media from a more liberal perspective.  They addressed the fact that anyone has the ability to take on the role of a journalist using Web 2.0 features.  They discuss citizen journalism from both points of view and how it has allowed our media to grow.  Just as Keen, they are afraid that citizen journalism takes the fact checking out of media.  In terms of “disintermediation,” it is based around the idea of removing the middleman.  It relates to the issues brought up in Keen’s book as well as the fundamental concerns of democratized media.  It sees business in a democratized media as one that deals directly with consumers.  In such a scenario, traditional retail is removed and sells faster and cheaper to customers.  A democratized media has a revolutionary impact on business and the economy by allowing internet-based businesses to thrive while retail companies suffer significantly.

2.       Compare and Contrast Keens take on Social Media with Douglas Rushkoff's. What are these differences in opinion? Which one speaks to you and your own experiences and why? You may include the ideas of such utopian technophiles as Larry Lessig, Chris anderson, and Jimmy Wales (who are these guys!?)

Andrew Keen and Douglas Rushkoff’s opinions on the current state of the Social Media are fundamentally different because of their attitudes towards many key issues.  Keen prefers to look at these issues from a conservative perspective while Rushkoff is definitely more liberal about the many changes that have occurred.  Keen believes that social media negatively affects business and disrupts the status quo.  While Keen feels that less is more, Rushkoff weights the potential good and the risk that these strides can have on our society.  Rushkoff agrees with Keen in terms of his hesitation to buy into the new social media.  In the end of Digital Nation, I felt as though realizes that Web 2.0 has the potential to move us forward as a society in ways that the traditional media never could.  I feel as though the current state of social media accurately reflects the current state of the world.  We live in a society where technology and knowledge are at an all time high.  I believe Web 2.0 and the society in which we live go hand-in-hand and coexist well.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


My main comment was to Jessica Francia, my smaller response were to Mike Hsu and Jonathan Bree

Monday, February 28, 2011

Digital Nation

Whither the Individual?
As we join groups and social networks from affinity sites to Facebook, are we extending and expanding  identities, or increasingly conforming to the cookie-cutter profiles demanded of these interfaces? Is the loss of "personal space" and "reflection" so many users complain of merely the necessary surrender of "ego" as we learn to participate as members of a more evolved "collective organism" of "hyper-people?"
(you may want to re-watch "bubbie" and "warcraft" sections of digital nation)
Just as it is safe to say that social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ect. Have expanded our ability to connect with people around the world, I would say that it has also expanded our identities.  A person’s Facebook page acts as an extension of one’s self that knows no borders or limitations.  Whereas in the everyday world, we are restricted by responsibilities such as work, school or sleep, while a Facebook account acts as a limitless medium that never sleeps.  Despite “cookie-cutter” profiles that these websites design for us, there are infinite possibilities for users to construct, personalize and extend themselves on their servers.  Very few limitations exist that keep us from generating friendships across the globe with individuals from any nation.  They say that if Facebook were a country that would have the third largest population in the world.  I see this as an intriguing fact because it has such a substantial following that you can connect with just about anyone, including people that you would never get the opportunity to know or meet in person.  I feel as though these social networking websites act as a means for us to communicate on a large scale and do not support the idea that such a convenient communication medium could somehow reduce our identities.  Also in terms of individual’s using social networking sites, I feel as though there are so many possibilities and endless potential to personalize your profiles that it encourages individuality.  This sense of individuality transcends the cookie-cutter profiles by allowing users to control pictures, videos, friends, information and other variables. 

            Despite the loss of a tangible “personal space,” I feel that in this era a sense of personal space exists online.  Even though a Facebook profile can be seen, visited or commented on by mostly anyone, it is still a place that exists that is devoted to an individual.  My belief of an online personal space is more of a literal interpretation of the term than the one we are used to in real life.  Real life personal space refers to the region surrounding a person which they regard as psychologically theirs.  In contrast, my idea of “personal space” online describes a page or profile that is dedicated to personal information.  In other words, it is a space dedicated to your person that does not just exist psychologically but physically exists. 

            I also disagree with the idea of an “ego” loss due to social networking.  Despite millions of people being thrown into a mix and existing under one server, I feel as though egos will never cease to exist.  A person’s ego is their recognition of being an individual and a sense of self-worth or importance.  Although we are all members of a social network, it is important to embrace and express yourself as an individual.  There are individuals who are among the millions that have used social media to become famous.  They say that you can’t soar with the eagles until you’ve walked around with chickens.  I feel that this adage holds true in terms of social media because any average person who is outstanding can use this as a way of broadcasting their ability to millions of other average people.  Justin Bieber and Tila Tequila are example of internet phenomenons that have used social media to springboard their way to fame and fortune.

            There are several mediums other than networking sites that link people from all over the world such as YouTube and video games.  Digital Nation uses Bubbie as an example of a person who has become a popular figure thanks to YouTube.  Bubbie’s cooking show represents the idea that any common individual with a talent can use social media to get exposure and in this case, thousands of people tune into “Cooking with Bubbie” and have made an 83-year-old woman an internet sensation.  It also goes to show that you do not necessarily need to be technologically savvy either, as Bubbie has reached stardom despite not even having internet access in her home.  Another aspect of the social world that brings people together is gaming.  Digital Nation also explored the impact of games such as World of Warcraft have on our generation.  World of Warcraft addicts devote absurd number of hours to this fantasy world and develop close friendships along the way.  One of my roommates is a very successful World of Warcraft player and it does not come without significant time commitment.  I asked him about his gaming experience and he told me that he has become friendly with several of his fellow gamers that live on the East Coast and he spends almost as much time hanging out with his gaming friends online as he does with his school friends.  I think that my roommates account along with the footage from Digital Nation support the idea that social media contributed toward forming a collective organism.  These mediums allow people with similar interests to congregate and put them in social situations where they can develop friendships and relationships.  

            Overall, I have a positive stance on the impact of social networks.  I feel as though they provide for unity more so than withering the individual.  Social networks and mediums are a way to connect with people globally and form relationships with people that otherwise were impossible to get to know.  Although a lot of social networking is dependent on individuals, I feel as though every individual that has a Facebook, watches YouTube videos, plays World of Warcraft, ect is contributing to a bigger picture.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Social Media and Web 2.0

  1. In my opinion, the amateur styles that we have seen in recent movies is not a replication of web videos but rather a reflection on the transition away from the norms that we are used to seeing in today’s entertainment.  As technology has become more advanced it has lent itself to the creativity of writers and directors of these videos.  We are seeing companies try to differentiate themselves from their competition by creating memorable ads that the public will remember.  We are living in an age where generic no longer sells and it takes creativity to push products.  As far as television is concerned, we are seeing an evolution towards different methods of production such as 3D or with a “homegrown” feel. 
  2. I feel that Facebook is more successful than MySpace because of all the personalization features and its simplicity.  MySpace did not offer much control to its users past choosing your own pictures, displays and friends.  On the contrary, Facebook the power lies with the people to build a profile from the ground up with features ranging from status updates to advanced privacy settings.  Privacy is also another aspect in which Facebook is superior to MySpace, as users have control over who can and cannot view their profile and have the opportunity to limit what information can be seen by the public.  Another reason that Facebook is hit and is here to stay is that it is constantly changing and releasing new games and features whereas MySpace remained static.  For these reasons, I believe that Facebook is a far better quality product and has longevity even in uncertain technological times.
  3. Transparency is an important concept in the Social Medial realm because it allows information to be accessed and seen with ease rather than privacy taking top priority.  Some argue that transparency benefits us because we are introduced to new opportunities such as consumer products and offers.  Personally, I embrace transparency because I support the idea of being open and honest and I think these values should be extended to the social media and business world.  Offline in the real world, transparency is even more important because it is essential to be genuine in order to gain people’s respect.  Transparency allows us the opportunities to see what is below the surface before making a decision to support someone or something.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

McLuhan Final Post

My photoshop project is based on the social medium, Twitter.  I wanted to represent the unlimited possibilities by combining a wide-open sky and Twitter Birds flying free, without limitations.  The Twitter Birds are flying towards the larger bird that is holding a sign that says "Follow Me."  The idea of following is one of the fundamental differences between Twitter and other social mediums.  Twitter gives you the ability to follow anyone that you desire, from friends to celebrities.  My image is a metaphor for this concept as the smaller birds are following the main bird.  These birds symbolize the ideology of Twitter as users follow people to receive status and life updates.  The silhouettes at the bottom show people joined hand-in-hand in unison across the world.  Twitter gives its users the opportunity to connect with people from all corners of the world.  The overall themes of my project portray the freedom and possibilities that Twitter offers along with the ability to connect all over the globe, representing unity.

My image communicates McLuhan's ideal that the "Medium is the Message" because it represents all the ways that Twitter is used to join people together.  McLuhan's idea was that a medium is only as important as people make it; the users hold the key to the prominence of any medium.  McLuhan also discussed the idea of content vs. message.  The content of Twitter is made of up text (language, html, ect) along with pictures that make up statuses.  Twitter's message takes these statuses and uses them to connect people across the globe.  They might just be brief life updates but they represent our ability to communicate globally.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Three New Mediums

Marshall McLuhan proposed the idea that "the Medium is the Message," inferring that technology is the basis for our communication.  New developments are made daily and their impact on our society is based on how we choose to use them.  Three mediums that have enhanced the way that we communicate and have been innovative to our society are: BBMs (Blackberry Messages), Skype and Twitter.

1. BBM (Blackberry Message): 
Blackberry Messages consist of conversation between two (or even more) Blackberry users.  BBMs are an evolution of the text message because they are sent at a faster rate.  A feature of BBMs is that you can see if your message has been delivered and received.  BBMs also allow you to speak to multiple people at once using the conference option.  This medium allows for quick, convenient access to fellow Blackberry users and replaced the need for phone calls or instant messaging and is more efficient than text messaging.

2. Skype:

Skype is a form of video chatting that allows users to chat via webcam.  This medium allows people to communicate with anyone, anywhere on the globe.  Skype is utilized by all demographics ranging from businesses to relatives.  Skype is used for visual conversation, thus making it more personal than all forms of communication outside of face to face contact.  This is a revolutionary medium that allows for global commerce and has taken the place of conference calls and made business a more personal experience.  The message takes the place of less personal mediums such as phone calls or text messaging.

3. Twitter:

Twitter is a recent form of social media that allows users to update their status to inform their followers of their recent activity.  It is a social network medium that consists of messages that are referred to as tweets.  Twitter is made up of posts with a 140 character maximum and its users range from average people to celebrities.  Twitter can be accessed through multiple forms of mediums such as computers or blackberries and contains life updates, pictures and html.  Twitter is a more specialized version of a facebook statuses update and replaces mediums such as facebook and connects people all over the world of various different social statuses.